

Design with our ears

Google Readerからシェアを獲得したFeedlyのインタビュー。参考になることを箇条書きしておく。

  • あらゆるツールを使って ユーザと接点をもち, 毎日30分はユーザとコミュニケーションをとる。
  • ユーザのフィードバックから次のFeatureを決める
  • 実装するFeatureによってSprintサイズが変わる 2-24week

Design with our ears. That is, some companies put competitors or industry trends at the center of their design process, we focus on listening with our users. We use Twitter, email, UserVoice, and Google+ communities to constantly engage with users, and everyone on the team spends 30 minutes per day in contact with users. Our design methodology is centered around user research and user testing.
